Texas Lawyer Fighting For The Rights Of Employees Injured In Workplace Accidents

Every worker has the right to be safe in their place of employment. But unfortunately, thousands of employees are injured while performing their job duties every year. Some injuries sustained in the workplace are minor, but others are far more serious and could affect the victim for the rest of their life.
Many of these accidents take place in dangerous industries such as construction and law enforcement. However, accidents can happen anywhere, not just on a construction site or in the line of duty. Because of this, it’s important for all workers to know their rights after an on-the-job injury.
If you have been injured at work, speak to a workplace accident attorney at Trevino Injury Law at once. Trevino Injury Law is committed to helping injured workers file a workplace accident claim to recover the compensation that they deserve. Call the office at 210-873-8466 or fill out the online form on the website to schedule a free consultation today.
Here are some FAQ’s about workplace injuries in TX:
- Can Third Parties Be Held Liable For Workplace Accidents In Texas?
- How Can Injury Attorneys Help Workers Recover Compensation From Uninsured Employers?
- How Much Do Workplace Accident Law Firms Charge For Legal Services?
Can Third Parties Be Held Liable For Workplace Accidents In Texas?
A common misconception is that all on the job injuries fall under the category of workers’ compensation claims, and victims are only eligible for compensation from their employers’ workers’ compensation insurance. The truth is there are multiple types of workplace accidents and multiple parties that can potentially be held responsible for employee injuries.
If you or a loved one has been injured on the job, you may be able to sue a third party for damages. Though this is a complex process, victims can receive greater relief and support that may be available through limited workers’ compensation insurance.
Third parties are any additional person, contractor, company, manufacturer, property owner, or municipality that caused or contributed to worksite danger. For example, if you were injured by a defective product, it is likely a case of product liability, and the manufacturer or seller can be held accountable. General or independent contractors may be found liable for the injuries of employees they hired, and property owners are subject to premises liability claims.
If you are involved in a car accident while operating an employer-owned vehicle or driving for work-related reasons, the person at fault in the collision may be held responsible. Find out if a third party can be held liable for your injuries by speaking to a member Trevino Injury Law. Call today to schedule a free consultation regarding your case.
How Can An Injury Attorney Help Workers Recover Compensation From Uninsured Employers?
The state of Texas does not require private employers to hold workers’ compensation insurance. Employers who do not offer workers’ compensation are called nonsubscribers. Workers’ compensation insurance can help pay medical costs, lost wages, and disability payments of employees who are injured in a workplace accident.
Without this basic coverage for workers, nonsubscribers also lose protections for themselves. If an employee is injured on the job, a nonsubscriber can be directly sued for negligence and held responsible for injuries and even punitive damages.
Some employers buy “alternative coverages,” or cheaper insurance policies, instead of workers’ compensation. Texas law says an alternative is not a substitute for workers’ compensation insurance, and you can’t tell your employees it is. An accident, health, or disability policy may offer some benefits to workplace accident victims, but they are greatly limited and do not meet all the needs of injured employees. That’s one reason alternative policies do not protect employers from lawsuits.
Employers without workers’ compensation lose certain rights and defenses in court. Injured employees can sue nonsubscribers for compensation and punitive damages. If they are found even partially responsible for an employee’s injury, nonsubscribers may end up paying for legal and medical fees, lost wages, suffering, and more.
Schedule A Free Consultation With Trevino Injury Law Today
Have you been injured in a workplace accident? There’s no time to waste—speak to a workplace accident attorney at Trevino Injury Law today. Trevino Injury Law has the legal resources and skills needed to win complex workplace accident cases. Some of my many practice areas include auto accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, premises liability cases, defective product claims, and wrongful death.
At Trevino Injury Law, I enjoy building a relationship with each individual that I represent. Trevino InjuryLaw takes pride in addressing clients’ full range of questions and concerns. I will review your case and make sure you thoroughly understand your rights during an initial consultation. To schedule a free consultation with a work injury lawyer, please call 210-873-8466 or fill out the online form on the website today.